Monday, Sepember 09th, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. General maintenance. PANDA will not be available during this time.
Login / Support
Login for members of Paderborn Universitiy:
To access PANDA you need your central Uni-Account.
Where can I find help/support?
Hotline: (05251) 60-5544 and via E-Mail: zim(at)upb(dot)de
Notebook Cafe
Discontinuation of the BBB activity
The BBB activity was switched off on 01.07.24. All BBB recordings will then no longer be available. Instructions on how to continue using the videos can be found here.
Maintenance If necessary, maintenance will take place on Mondays from 7:00 to 9:00 o’clock and will be announced.
Emergency Maintenance will be carried out immediately and without notice if necessary.
PANDA is depending on other IT-Services of Paderborn University. Status of all IMT-Services (yellow: Impairments // red: failures // For more information, click the traffic sign).
Course Registration for lecturers
Via the web form, you can request a PANDA course for the Winter Semester 2024/25.
Web form (WS24/25):
Support: Hilfe-Wiki
Course Requests for the Winter Semester (WS)
Possible around August
Course Requests for the Summer Semester (SS)
Possible around February.
PANDA webseminar and online-consultation hours
We recommend the Moodle learning portal with free online courses Moodle Academy
General PANDA-consultation hours, every Monday from 9 - 9:45 a.m. on Zoom.
Simply log in if you have questions.
Additionally, we offer PANDA weeks with daily online seminars (e.g. PANDA for beginners, creating tests and questions, designing attractive PANDA courses using HTML etc.) at the start of each semester in March and September.
Dates and information